I see a lot of frustration regarding Mulan's price tag on DisneyPlus...here's a thread on my take about this for anyone who's interested in reading:
1. Many people seem to forget that Mulan will actually be released in theatres where it's possible to do so. Therefore, if you have the option and feel comfortable doing so, that's great. If you don't feel safe going to a theatre, then you have the PVOD option...
If you can't go to the theatre because it's not open where you live, then it's not deemed safe to go, therefore you would have not seen it in the theatre anyway, but at least you still have an option to watch it. In my book, everybody wins.
2. The price tag is what it needs to be given the circumstances; I won't go into details here, but Mulan is a big budget movie, it's self explanatory.
3. If this works out well for Disney (spoiler alert, it most likely will, since about 80% of theatres globally are still closed) this has the potential of becoming a new business model not only for them but also for other studios...
...we need to face the fact that we're in a Pandemic and 5 months in, we're not getting out of this anytime soon. Studios (and theatres) will need to adapt in order to survive, plain and simple.
4. I absolutely love going to the theatre, it's one of my favorite place to be. I miss it dearly, and I'm afraid/worried of what's to come as many of you are. However, just like I pointed out already, we're in unprecedented times, and we also need to adapt...
...not only as customers, but also as movie fans. We all want to watch new content, we need it more so than ever, let's enjoy it.

#Mulan #DisneyPlus #Movies
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