oh and have another reminder that red marker would look so much nicer on your wrist than red blood would. seeing cuts on your body hurts me even more than it hurts you. i love you and you mean so much to people, and you've changed so many lives without even realizing it.
no one should feel that they have to resort to self-harm, because that's not good for you, and some of those scars won't ever go away, whether they be physical or psychological. your skin isn't paper and as such shouldn't be cut.
you don't even realize how beautiful you all are because your mind is trying to convince you otherwise, that you aren't worth it, that the world would be better off without you. but that's just a lie- without you, the world would never be the same.
i'm so grateful that i've gotten the chance to meet so many wonderful people on here and in real life, because my life has been changed for the better, and we've made so many wonderful memories together, and i'm sure that we will in the future.
and i want there to BE a future for you, for me, for everyone, so please, please, just know that you are loved and that the world wouldn't be the same without you. i'm so glad that i got to meet so many people in my lifetime and i'm so excited to meet more.
even though i don't talk to some people as much as i used to, they've all made lasting impacts on my life, and i know that i wouldn't be the person i am had i not met them, whether the result be good or bad. i'm just so grateful that i got to live to experience it.
so please, just know that suicide isn't the answer. there were many times when i thought it was, and i made many an attempt, but looking back, i'm glad i failed. had i succeeded, i would never have met so many of the people that i have.
- my admin being a sappy-ass weirdo and going on a rant that made her tear up because she got in a mood and felt like posting this thread
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