Man I just wanna go to a theme park during Halloween with La Squadra is that really so much to ask ? Like I want Formaggio to be the asshole to tell the actors my name. I want Ghiaccio to punch someone and Melone and Prosciutto have to convince the staff to not kick us out
I want people to tell us "Hey turn around, I think you're being followed" like we'll be scared but really it's just Risotto and they think he works there. I want Illuso to be way too excited for the fog-and-mirror maze. I want Pesci to be forced at the front by Prosciutto
I want Sorbet and Gelato to try and see how many actors and workers they can scare and gloat about "How fucking easy it is to work here" and then when Ghia is like "Well great news, they're hiring" they're like "nah"
I want Melone to spend all of his money trying to get that damned oversized cat plushie at the ring toss. How it's going to fit in the van on the way back? That's a future Melone problem
I want to be worried Risotto isn't having a good time but then look over at him while on a ride together and see he's actually smiling and taking it all in :' )
I want Prosciutto to stop everyone at the entrance with the map folded out in his hands and ask "Do we have a plan?" and Formaggio rips it out of his hands and says "Yes. We do what the fuck we want" and Pesci giggles to himself
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