Rant alert. I was going to make a self-congratulatory post revealing that the water gun model I made earlier this year was featured in 3D World, but I am saddened to report that my request of having the original concept art and artist displayed and credited was not fulfilled.
I feel strongly that the explicit recognition of concept artists - without whom such work would not exist - is obvious and critical, and I expressed as much immediately upon being invited to have the work featured.
I specifically explained that I would not like my work to be featured without the original concept being represented, or at the very least the concept artist being credited, and was reassured that they would be more than happy to oblige.
I conveyed this reassurance to the concept artist in my request for their approval to proceed with the magazine feature, so I feel I owe them an apology.
So I am now thoroughly dismayed by the thought that anyone might see the feature and not know that it was directly based on another artist's concept.
I doubt that anyone who follows me, or would ever see this thread, would need to be convinced otherwise, but for posterity:
If your art is directly based on art by other artists, they should be acknowledged in every way you have the power to do so. There is no downside to going out of your way to elevate other artists for their hard work.
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