A tale of two Surfers - @ROGUEWEALTH and myself.

Pull up a chair, it's storytime...
If you've been around these parts for some time, you'll remember the course creator hate from last summer.

Our space was plagued with negativity, jealousy, and bad vibes.
Heavy attacks were leveled against some of us, stuff like:

- You're a fraud, you're gonna get exposed
- You don't know shit about ecom, all your money comes from your course
- We have fragile egos so we attack people doing better than us

And more of the same...
It's important to understand that no one stays neutral in a conflict.

Those that do are forced to pick a side, usually because the other side attacks their neutrality.

Regardless - the negative energy tends to polarize people who would otherwise be friends.
The worst part?

This negativity is often the result of a third party who is very hurt and damaged.

Rogue and I used to converse from time to time but at some point last summer, we got into it on a Millstoic tweet.
Negative energy/Bad vibes/Petty remarks

Cuz what? Nothing really, someone elses negativity filtered our perception & we took it out on each other.

From last summer to now, we didn't interact.
A few homies told me Rogue a was great person to learn from but I chose to stay petty.
Last week - Rogue chose to be the bigger man and reached out suggesting we move past whatever caused the divide. I agreed.
The result?

- I've already felt the positive effects of his actions and gratitude for his kindness.
- Mutual friends have expressed joy and gratitude.
- We've introduced each other to new music and had some great conversations in the DMs
Months of animosity gone in a few short days.
Net positive for both of us.

And its been less than a week. Imagine what the rest of the year holds...

We connected over Synthwave.
Became homies.
And grew as individuals.
A few lessons from all this;

- Environment has a huge impact on you, choose it wisely
- Be aware others' impact on your frame of reality
- All it takes is one person reaching out
- Music (& ones love for it) is powerful
- Never let your ego stifle your own progress
Feel free to add your own insights/takeaways from all this.

And lastly - be kind and cultivate good vibes. These are the only things that truly matter in this life.

You can follow @Asaaadude.
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