⚠️ Can’t donate? Okay, here are some other options. ⚠️
Free Rice is an app that helps donate food to places in need. It’s a really simple trivia game, so if you ever need to calm down or pass some time you can help others at the same time
Stream videos on YouTube dedicated to donating ad revenue to good causes. DO NOT SKIP THE ADS, THAT IS HOW THEY MAKE THE DONATIONS‼️‼️
People can access twitter from all over the world. The more you spread information, the more you can increase the chances that other people donate. BE INFORMED AND USE YOUR PLATFORM, WHETHER BIG OR SMALL
if you don’t know what’s going on, take the time to read about it and help if you can. Lebanon, Yemen, and so many other places still need urgent support. ⚠️ALL OF THESE OPTIONS ARE FREE AND EASY SO PLEASE TRY⚠️ https://lebanonscrisis.carrd.co/ 
You can follow @calumbigtoe.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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