Attention artists... I hope y’all are paying attention to Netflix and these new streaming services popping up for movies and tv shows
The same way Netflix owned that whole lane after redbox/blockbuster, so did Apple/Spotify after tower records. Pay attention and see where the game is going
The streaming services provide a great way for your music to be accessible to a bigger audience, but if you’ve got a big enough core following, you’re making a fraction of what you’re worth on these sites
I feel like in the future, these indie labels are going to invest in their own streaming sites or apps for their own artists and do direct sales to maximize their profits. What’s stopping you from doin that now?
If you have a group of artists that have their own cult followings, direct all of your fans to your own platforms and cut out the middle man (Apple/Spotify). So instead of selling a $12 album and only making $3 you can sell for $8 and make more and cheaper for your fans
It takes more effort and capital to do something like this, but if you can’t afford an app developer, wix designs sites for free! Instead of dropping that Apple link, direct people to your site and have them buy your music there instead. Just a thought
You can follow @SefaM.
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