Out with the old, in with the new!
Thank you to whoever sent this from the Amazon wishlist, I didnt get a note with it so 😅
The van greatly appreciates it :)
If you'd like to help the soon to be full-time vanlife adventure...
Ive an Amazon wishlist here with gear & parts I'll need to make it happen!
Most importantly this week I need the LTE modem for a test run! However suspension components are shortly behind! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1O70CH2MLKY1M?ref_=wl_share
My goal, if things go relatively well this month, is to be doing it fulltime by the end of Aug. or mid Sept. at the latest. Lots of build out and fixes on the van, and shrinking of my life to do...but should be an interesting adventure :)
Lets see where life takes me.
My philosophy/why Im doing this: I've been wanting to since before I turned 20. Have that freedom to get up and move when I want to, or find a nice place and camp for a few weeks or month if I'd like.
I was incredibly sheltered growing up, didnt leave the state of Missouri
until Hak5 flew me out to San Francisco just a bit over 2 years ago. I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do...and with the freedom I have right now, doing video production and project contract work...

If I don't take the opportunity to do it now, then when?
With everything going on in my life, not to mention the world...The only sure moments I have are this one and the next.

The only things in life I've regretted, are ones I havent done.
I don't want life to go and flip the script on me again in several years and still be thinking
"I wish I wouldve done that then."

So I'm building the van. Putting some tech in it. Then Im going to continue to do the things Ive been doing, just on the move.
With everything going on, it's really easy to take for granted that....I may look back on these months as relatively calm and quiet. Things may get worse yet. Things may happen to me or my family or close friends in the coming years, that make me wish I'd have done more, sooner.
I don't wish that to be the case of course...but it may well be.

So while normally I'd spend a long time meticulously planning something like this (well, I have. Ive been dreaming of it for years)

I'm just doing it...because if I don't, I may not get the chance again.
And I want to bring you all along on this adventure as best I can. If it weren't for yall being interested in my projects...I wouldve never built #ProjectCuckoo, flown out to Hak5...I'd likely be working a 9-5, and not having this opportunity.

I think about that every. day.
I'm working on some ways to give back, and there will be more on this soon.

But I just wanted to say thank you. To all of you.

Bit weird putting this all in the thread with the filter change...but that was the first part that was sent directly, by one of you, and swapping it
out really made it's impact. This is happening. Something Ive been dreaming of for over 6 years, a quarter of my life...

Thank you. ❤️
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