Thread for @ChiPubSchools on what DID go well in the spring for our family. We had a good exp, considering, & I think it can be even better if we are planning for it. Here are some things that made spring remote learning a not terrible experience for my primary kids /1
Daily live instruction on a predictable sched. My kids had an ELA & math mtg everyday, also some small group. Their tchrs sent out a weekly rec'd schedule, w/ everything they needed hyperlinked in the doc. They also got art, music and PE 1x a week. #Consistency #Routine /2
RESPONSIVENESS- Tchrs sent out a survey a few times to find out what was/wasn't working, & made adjustments. 1 provided more pre-recorded video lessons & read alouds so kids could watch over & over if needed. Communication was good #OurVoiceMatters /3
DIFFERENTIATION- When one app/assignment was just not working for my kid, tchr worked with me to figure out how we could cover same concepts in different/low-tech ways, take pics of work to email. When work was too much/not enough, tchrs problem-solved w/ us /4 #TeachersRock
SPED SUPPORTS & SERVICES: once #ODLSS gave the ok, my DL started seeing her RSPs 1:1 & it made a world of difference! Would love to see LBS & SECAs added to that list that can support 1:1 (in spring they could only support together or LBS if parent present) /5 #MySECAHelpsMeShine
Wasn't all sunshine & roses. Not much sci/SS instr & not covering new stuff was boring after a while. Waiting so long for SpEd support was ROUGH. Too much reliance on tech & on parents printing tons of stuff- schls gotta print/provide materials for parents who need it! #Equity /6
Not sure how @CTULocal1 feels about all the above, but these things are what helped our fam keep it together last spring. Let's get planning! (pssst, include parents!) /end thread
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