Today I've learned several things:
-Taxation is theft
-Wanting everyone to have free healthcare, affordable housing, and enough food to live is hateful.
-Wanting to give other people more rights is selfish and means I don't know what I'm talking about.
-Wanting more personal autonomy means I want to be a rapist.
-Being a Trans Woman means I'll forever be a man.
-Asking respect for my personage is disrespectful to everyone who wants to disrespect me.
-Unless I specifically will never have sex again, I will always rape women because I, a trans woman, am a man, and not a woman, or even trans, no, a rapist man, forever.
-Just because I feel miserable looking in the mirror even just by accident, and desperately want to present female, more badly than I've ever wanted anything, doesn't mean I should ever be allowed to fulfil that dream. Because I will never be a woman even so.
If this thread feels spiteful, that's because it is. I'm tired and terrified of what is happening around me these days. I'm terrified that one day, my life will become illegal. Whether that's because I'm trans, or because I I support equal rights.
Or because I only like other girls. Or because I support causes fighting for the rights of minorities.

I'm terrified just to be alive... Because every time I look at the news, I get a little more afraid that It's only a matter of time till I'm no longer allowed to be.
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