I had a very strong feeling that I needed to give a student $40

I handed it to her & she started sobbing

I did not know this but she was 18 & living in a halfway house w/ a baby. She had just prayed for the first time in yrs for enough for diapers

An hr later I handed her $40
She said she hadn’t prayed in yrs because God had never seemed to answer before. She had asked a friend’s dad for money but he couldn’t help. Her friend, right before my class, suggested they pray for money for diapers

“I cannot believe this is happening right now” she cried
We became like family after this day. Her daughter who was 6 months old then, is now 7. She has a car, a job, & I even introduced her to another student. They’ve been dating for 3 yrs now

All because I stepped into that uncomfortable space & did what I felt God telling me to do
There are ppl right now who feel abandoned by God

Not because God didn’t answer their prayer, but because God, prompted us to co-labor with Him

And we didn’t
I no longer see God as distant, & I no longer see my own choices as inconsequential

Try to be faithful, even when it’s uncomfortable

God stopped my life all bc a teenage girl in a half way house, needed money for diapers. God heard her, and I heard God & it changed both of us
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