What your favourite hypmic says about you
Ichiro Yamada:
-You love family tropes
-You think watching anime is a personality trait
-You're trying ur buster best
Jiro Yamada:
-you think being sweet is more important than being smart
-You have a lot of things you're passionate about
-You want to be the clown friend so bad
Saburo Yamada:
-You think its fun to be fucked up and evil
-You kin him
-You have gifted kid burnout
Samatoki Aohitsugi:
-You're a fucking piece of work
-you love tough guys that secretly nurse kittens back to health or something
-you're trying to break cycles from your past. i believe in you
Jyuto Iruma:
-You bark when you see him
-You either bully him relentlessly or hate it when people bully him
Rio M. Busujima:
-You would eat whatever he cooks regardless of the ingredients.
-you are extremely touch starved
-honestly? probably mommy issues im ngl
Ramuda Amemura:
-please seek help.
-on a serious note ramuda stans are usually very kind but some of them give most of them a bad name
-you either love him for being sweet or for being EVIL pick one
Gentaro Yumeno:
-If you're not a dazai fucker you would be.
-You like to think you ARE gentaro but you're not
- this is a self callout. get help
Dice Arisugawa:
-You love catboys.
-youre like the only normal person here
-you love nozu.
Jakurai Jinguji:
- you are either the nicest person alive
-or a FREAK (lovingly)
-Please stop praying for my grandpa hes gaining too much power
hifumi izanami:
- you're just here for a good time
- you feel bad for hifumi bc of all the non descript shit hypmic put him thru
-still not over the ship in a bottle retcon.
Doppo Kannonzaka:
-you are either fucking brutal with your bullying of him or you love post him every five minutes. probably both
-you started out relating to him and now you want to be with him
-pls get some sleep...... for me....
kuko harai:
-you love catboys but FERAL
-you are think the best breed of love is tough love
-100gecs scratches an itch in your brain
jyushi aimono:
- you love him because you relate to him
- you will defend his character with ur dying breath
- you are so sweet...: đŸ„ș
Hitoya Amaguni:
- Your name is Rose
- you think dilfs are the superior lifeforms
- you love his character so much and really hope that he gets the development he deserves
Sasara Nurude:
-have you ever had an honest converstion about your feelings ever in your life
-You love jokes. you love funnies. you are dead inside.
-please..... therapy....
Rosho Tsutsujimori:
- i dont even want to open this can of worms.
- you are either a gifted kid burnout with depression
- or you are an extremely repressed homosexual with a thing for librarians
Rei Amayado:
- you hate rei amayado.
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