White people, especially white liberals down south will acknowledge opressive systems are a thing but only overt or directly affect them. They still want to believe the Confederacy is southern pride. They will acknowledge that marginalized communities go through hardships but
want to stay their bubble when it comes to addressing systems and how they also play a role in it and they believe it will fix itself only people fall in line and play respectability politics.
I say this to say they are no better than their conservative counterparts if they don't
actively work at dismantling systems of oppression and white supremacy. Trying to feed into appeasing white people should never be the goal in this fight. Because at the end of the day they don't care about us and our stuggles-its self preservation
and status quo at this point for them... It lives on the line for us in thia. I also say this to say communities down here have been fighting for decades and I'm tired of it being glossed over and disrespected.
And the only reason why I'm saying it like this is because I've had
things go on in the last week and today especially that are getting to me and I need space to express it-all be it very haphazardly so as to come back to it later if and when I have time to speak candidly on it.
That's all for this thread I believe , for the time being atleast
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