9 children (boys & girls) were raped repeatedly by the same 19 year old man in AA. he threatened to kill them if they said a word about it to their family. their mothers took them to the doctors but were told it was just an “infection” even though there were clear signs of rape.
he kept raping them even after they were physically damaged to the point where they took turns for each other. one of the 9 children noticed how weak their rapists victim was & begged him to let him take his turn instead. do you understand how wicked this is?
their rapist would harass them everywhere, he would even go to their home. in some occasions he would rape them in their own house. they didn’t tell their parents until a mother witnessed her child getting raped. they took it to court but they didn’t get an answer until recently.
their rapist is in jail now (he got 40yrs) but his victims are still suffering. they can’t afford medical care, they’re traumatized, shamed, banned from attending school because “they will ruin other kids”. they’re victims but they get treated like they’re the rapists.
public school is the only thing they can afford, how can you take this away from them? this is the one and only thing that distracts them from the traumatic experience they have endured. how can they be punished when they’re the victims? what kind of country is ethiopia becoming?
Keep in mind 9 children in the same neighbourhood got raped by the same person. how many other unheard stories are out there? how many rapists is our society protecting by constantly silencing victims?
@TakeleUma the least you could do is visit these families, give them a place to stay so they can live separated. these kids deserve proper medical care & a support system. it’s impossible to undo what has happened to them, but their future depends on you and any other ethiopian.
these brave mothers have put themselves out there and shared their stories to raise awareness and save possible victims. let’s not let them down, let’s be their voice be’fetari 💔
for anyone who wants to help these families, there is a bank account set up you can donate to. BUNA BANK: 1529501002385!!!!!
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