I dont think many people are even aware of this stuff; but for the curious. One of the more disastrous foreign "policy" outcomes of the Obama-era was the $17.5B Loan Guarantee program to Ukraine circa 2015.

The level of corruption was just so far off the charts 😀 ...
in summary, the "plan" was to get banks to loan more money to Ukrainians by providing Ukraine banks IMF guarantee to backstop any default. Essentially, "Here, lend out this $17.5B - if anyone defaults, IMF will cover the loss".

What do you figure happened? ...
... yeah, the loans started defaulting all over the place. And there is a lot of smoke indicating quite a bit of those defaults went to Ukrainians that were actually tied back to US politicians and lobbyists.

Obama/IMF guaranteed $17.5B and beaks started getting wet...
Kolomoisky, the offices raided today, was running what were referred to as “imprudent lending policies" at Privatbank. Kolo is dishing out loans to folks he knows arent going to pay it back, and the IMF will backstop the loss.

You picking up on the brilliance of this? ...
Under guise of "rescuing Ukraine from Russia's grip" - Privatbank and others made frivolous loans to entities that were just US politician and lobbyist NewCos; they kept the cash and defaulted on the loan, and IMF covered the bank loss with US taxpayer money đŸ€Ł

aside from the brazen corruption of it all - pretty clever way to transfer $17.5B or so from taxpayers to beltway insiders, right?

Oh, and of course, Joe Biden was the "point person" for that whole operation. Joe is a real piece of shit ...
Most people know about Biden's little "fire the prosecutor investigating corruption or we end the loan guarantees" thing.

And while, yes, his kid did have a seat on the board of Burisma -that's not the real grift of it all. The real grift is the loan guarantee scam...
and Joe Biden is right in the fucking middle of it.

RICO, baby! You picking up what I'm putting down here, homies?
good time to assess how much of Joe Biden's desire to run for president is really based in trying to shield himself from investigation via "candidate immunity"?

Folks who dont treat Biden with the same disdain they have for Trump are pretty much dopes.
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