wait the drama of the day is that calling a fine-boned thin conventionally attractive man "bird-boned" is apparently body shaming???

until army can actually defend fat people, including fat army, from rampant fatphobia, including from other army (the phone call is coming from within the fucking house, folks!) they can shut the FUCK up about body-shaming their thin, attractive, millionaire celebrity fave
you think calling hoseok "bird-boned" is body shaming? imagine getting called a whale and a fatass as you cross the street. imagine getting told it was a shame you're so fat bc your face is pretty. imagine getting DENIED MEDICAL CARE AND JOBS AND RAISES bc of your body
army is fatphobic as fuck. they've never defended fatphobia when it's happened en masse to fat army. i've been fatshamed & mocked for being fat & daring to call out fatphobia by other army. until you get your shit together you are not allowed to say fucking JACK SHIT about hobi.
i'm fucking sickened by this.
once i won a drawing at a juice bar i was a regular at, & i got a little gift bag of coupons & gift cards. I was walking home from work that night and a guy asked me for my leftovers. i said, honestly, "i'm sorry this isn't food" and he said "it's not like you fucking need it."
THAT'S HOW CASUAL AND UBIQUITOUS IT IS. exist in a vague context near food, aka, live a functional life, and dare to be fat, and people will throw shit at you all day long.
army has never, ever managed to actually care about the way fat fans face explicit and implicit body shaming for existing. for daring to post selfies. for daring to suggest fatphobia EXISTS.
look at the replies to a selfie by a fat person on stan twt & compare them to a thin person on stan twt. even if they're mutuals & share many mutuals! they are EXTREMELY DIFFERENT in content bc fat people aren't conventionally desirable. (this is a subtweet but also universal.)
until army--until ANY FAN--can get their implicit & explicit fatphobia under control and actively defend fellow fat fans from the shit they deal with on a regular basis--they can shut the everloving FUCK up abt their uwu thin conventionally attractive idol getting "body-shamed."
get the fuck over yourself and fuck off.
hobi will fucking survive bc he's a thin, conventionally attractive, remarkably talented bird-boned millionaire. but if you can't even defend a fat person from the rampant fatphobia on this hellbird app, then you don't get to say a word about him being """body-shamed.""""
sorry this thread is repetitive i'm mad
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