It's been a minute since we processed news via gif. Let's discuss Jonathan Swan ( @jonathanvswan), the reporter who lived.
Swan began by asking the President of the United States about...his belief in the power of positive thinking. It was a skillful introduction to the reality of covid-19.
When Swan confronted Trump with the reality of one thousand American deaths per day, it led Trump from "one lost life is too many" to "we've done a great job" to "it is what it is." I imagined Kayleigh in the corner like...
Then, there was an extended back and forth about testing, death rates, how the US stacks up against other countries, governors, and some frankly nonsensical charts. I don't know who prepared the charts, but let's just say they lacked credibility.
Swan then asked Trump about confronting Putin about Russia's arming of the Taliban in Afghanistan. The President said first, people say it was fake news (Swan: who is saying that?), then, we've done it, too (Swan: in a different era), then, it didn't make it to my desk.
When Swan asked the President about whether he will accept the results of the election, Trump said HRC didn't accept the results (Swan: she conceded on election night), talked about not getting results immediately (Swan: why is that bad?), and said mail voting will lead to fraud.
Trump explained that DHS officers in Portland were not wearing identification so that Antifa "maniacs" wouldn't "scare the hell out of their families" and that we have to protect our $600 million federal courthouses.
Finally, Swan asked: what will history say about Rep. John Lewis? Did you find him impressive or his story impressive? And Trump just couldn't be dignified. Didn't know him, didn't attend my parties, couldn't say one way or the other. Swan tried to give him a gracious out.
More on the Nightly Nuance, but that is the story of the best live fact-checking of Trump that has occurred during an interview.
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