Joe Kennedy is having a really hard time talking about ending life without parole. It’s extremely painful to watch. Not more painful than life without parole tho.
Kennedy just responded to a question from a man who is currently incarcerated. His first response was, “Thank you for your time.” Foot in mouth rampant with this dude. My god.
A questioner just asked why, if Kennedy is so committed to racial justice, he two years ago backed:

Henning over Rollins
Captain over Pressley
The dude who Nika beat over Nika

My partner and I just looked at each other gasping. Our jaws LITERALLY dropped. James just asked Kennedy if he thinks change is possible in this political climate. He said yes; I am running for senate. I CANNOT WITH THIS MAN OH MY GODDDDD
Give your money to @justicehealing. They have been working NONSTOP for months during this pandemic to free people from death traps and to agitate for law reform at every level. On top of all that they’ve organized and executed a radical, top notch Senate primary forum? Respect!
Truly an incredible event from this effective, radical, directly impacted-led organization. Please join me in giving money if you have some to spare. 
Senator Markey is just a demonstrably more serious person. When he talks you know he actually believes things and works hard to achieve his goals. The contrast is striking.
“We don’t need any new jails.” - @EdMarkey
If you support Kennedy because you think “it’s time for a change” I’m assuming you have never actually listened to Kennedy and Markey talk, or read anything about their legislative records, past words, or actions.
Markey on his support for the crime bill in ‘96: yes I voted for it. I apologize for the harm I caused.
“We should be abolishing cash bail in our country.” - @EdMarkey
“It’s dangerous that people are imprisoned at this time, and we shouldn’t be deporting people at this time,” Markey says. He says people who are not violent should be released from incarceration due to COVID.
Question: Will you call for ending qualified immunity for all cops and prison guards immediately?

Markey: Warren and I introduced legislation—as did Pressley in the House—to do that and we are committed to seeing it become law.
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