Bored. Mutuals like and I'll subtweet about you
I think you are really cool and you are someone I'd like to talk more
You're cool but you are really confusing at times tbh
Also FNAF fan ew
Really cool dude with (as far as I can tell) good music taste
We need to talk more tbh
We don't interact much but you are a good Twitter dot com user
Also you'd roll me in smash
cool funny birdsite guy
Also somebody I need to talk to more you seem chill as fuck
@/the_pog_man (like limited)
You are very Poggers and also kinda the person I met a lot of my moots and friends here over
Love you as a friend
We never talk but from our few interactions you seem cool
Absolute king and god of not being horny
Love you bro
Also Hamilton fanatic which is a absolute king thing
You are like the person out of the group of accounts I'm active in I met first I think
get off Twitter
Jk you're really cool and your discord is Poggers
Also you funny
You liked on the alt too?????
As I said you are a confusing human being
Love you tho
Really nice guy and also a Hamilton guy
Good music taste ✓
Funny ✓
Cool guy and nice in GCs✓
Comforts sad people✓
You a king👑
We don't talk but your account often carries my tl tbh so take this W
You seem really nice
We never interact or talk but you tweet bangers fr
Who the fuck do you think are?
Liking my tweet?
Right after chewsday passed?
Ayo fack off ya cunt
Jk you're a cool funny guy but you take so many minus points for being bri'ish
You always seem to disappear from the tl but you are a very good account and we need to interact more
You don't follow me(why 😭😭) but exception
You're really cool and I'd like to talk more
Also funny thing the first time I talked to a lot of the ppl I interact with alot now was in the gc to figure out who runs your ooc which was a thing for like 2seconds
Just talked to you for the first time like what 3 days ago?
You seem chill and you do graphic design which I really respecc
Funny twitter user who has a group account I like to ruin lmao
You tweet actual bangers no cap you a king
You are really cool and I like that we are interacting more and more recentlly
One of the kings of that one gc for sure
Really chill and funny
Love ya
I mean you are like probably the closest friend I have on Twitter rn so yea
Idk what to say you cool but stop planing out how you'll kidnap me
Basically have to repeat what I said about cheez you are cool nice and chill and you are a ruler of the gc
Cool Emilia stan back from break
We don't interact much but what if that changed 😳
Cool funny tweet guy(How often have I said this in this thread lmao)
You are funny and seem chill from our few interactions
You are a joke (badummm tsss)
Nah jk you're chill and it's nice interacting with you when we do
You're really chill and I like interacting with you
You are a very good Bird site user
Also stop getting hacked lmao
You can follow @ShortGuyPyte.
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