~a thread with tips to help your bad days~

So i struggle with my mental health a lot and i thought i would give you guys some tips or tell u things i do when i have those bad days, which are often, but with these things i get through them.
you can get through it, i promise u ❤️
1. this is important if u also feel like this!!
i often feel like i’m suffocating. i can’t really explain it but it feels like i’m running out of air.
on these days i usually go to places that make me feel like i can breathe. i do things that calm me. (music, reading)++
+with places that make me feel like i can breathe i mean like safe places. for example parks, near water bc watching it calms me, walks in the forest or just outdoors in general. whatever feels good to you. it’s important to find your own safe place. also driving does that too.
2. You don’t need to get out of bed if you don’t feel like it.
sometimes it’s okay if all you do in a day is breathe and fight forward.
i know how hard it can be and i promise you that it’s more than enough.

so in bed watch shows, movies or youtube videos that distract you +
+or make you feel better. stuff that makes you feel safe and maybe even makes u smile.
u can also read or talk to your friends if that makes u feel better but try to find the small things that distract you or calm you. they usually help.
3. surround yourself with people that make you feel good.

i understand this might be hard to do if you have difficulties in your family or you’re in school, but if you have the choice of who you surround yourself with, let it be those great people.
4. if you’re in school!!
i often have bad days in school and it’s awful, i know.
On those days i usually listen to music bc it helps with my anxiety.
I also focus on my breathing if i have a difficult time to focus on stuff.
i also lock myself in the bathroom so i get a break++
+from being social and talking to people.

being social all the time can be sooo difficult and if you feel like you don’t want to hang out with your friends today, don’t. always take care of yourself first.
TW/ food (in the next two so skip them if u need to)
5. remember to eat and drink.

this is important. your body needs it. i understand that on some bad days even doing that takes so much energy and can be so difficult but it’s so important.

at least eat snacks or fruits that are easy to eat and you don’t have to do a whole meal.
+ of course food as a meal is the best option but if ur day is super difficult i understand. i’ve done it too. just eat something, anything and drink some water ❤️
in conclusion:

always find the things that calm you, make you feel good or distract you.

always take care of yourself and your body first.

don’t be too harsh on yourself. if u need a day in bed, u need a day in bed. give yourself time and things will get better.
last but not least:

i love you.

ur valid.

i’m happy that you’re alive.

ur body is perfect, it takes care of you and you should love it for that.

ur strong.

i’m super proud of u. i know what it’s like to be battling with ur mind every day. ur incredible.

it’s gonna be okay.
always tpwk and spread love ❣️
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