this is for toxic armys who are going way to far after slut shaming bp etc. there are mature armys out there who I respect and I respect bts a lot! this is for armys who have ever bashed any group and those times they meddled with others business.

BEFORE READING NOTE: THIS IS FOR TOXIC ARMYS AND NOT THE NICE MATURE ONES AND ITS NOT FOR BTS! toxic armys giving threats and talking bad about astro and arohas! like please if you have any respect for BTS then dont go around internet expressing your opinions if they are negative
why are the toxic people in the fandom always the loudest ones! they really wanna ruin the mature people and their idols reputation that bad! like what do they have to do with shawols and shinee? shinee is a senior group who bts respects a lot so please.
ahgases are one of the best and most peaceful fandoms out there so I dont know why they are doing this. does calling someone a flop really gonna make you feel better?
BTS worked so hard on this bt21 line but they really be bashing their own idols. a sight to see!
yall be threatened by 4th gen groups!
most importantly, their audacity to drag my girls! I love blackpink with all my heart and it breaks my heart to see so many people drag them!
pretending to be multis when they are clearly just there to bash others....
thanks to: @foreverbtsfan_ @sqftyxda @SzeYuenIsAnArmy @whysomina @jenberriesx @justwaitmr for helping me out! again, please do not start giving me death threats because its purely for those people who cant focus on their idols and love to bash others. every artist worked hard-
to be where they are! no one deserves to be bashed, it doesnt matter if they are ahgase/ got7, once/ twice, reveluv/ rv, blink/ bp, nctzen/ nct, exol/ exo or anyone because ik they worked hard! I am only talking about toxic armys here because they are the only toxic people-
who I have seen getting involved with anyone. before anything, yes ik blinks are toxic and every other fandom has toxic fans but armys majority is toxic people and bts truly dont deserve toxic fans like them! I hope yall support this thread as it includes my sexy determination!
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