[thread. Long, upsetting, a little incoherent, missing memories, sensitive content]

I have grown up with a TiM. A fetishist of women, a furry, ABDL, brony etc. Let me tell you exactly how damaging these TIMs are when you grow up with them. 1/12
Number one: your clothes. My clothes have been stolen on multiple occasions throughout my lifetime because he wanted girls clothes. I do not want to have to explain how disgusting you feel when you find out they’ve been wearing your underwear. Never enough showers. 2/12
I couldn’t have anything girly without it being stolen. Which is a problem since I love girly stuff. You think the underwear thing was gross? How about when you find out your shower items weren’t even safe because you chose the pink one. 3/12
By the age of 13 I started to understand. I thought it was a Bill’s new frock sitch. But when you find out all your old clothes from 6-10 years old go to him? When he’s older than you? Something starts feeling weird. 4/12
Then you find the rainbow dash jar kind of R34 bullshit going on. 16 years old you realise they want to fuck technicolour ponies. Things don’t feel great. 5/12
You have to hide your chest a lot now. I guess that’s what happens when you’re a DD at 12 years old right? Men just stare, doesn’t matter if they’re related to you, right? God I was so wrong. 6/12
17 and he starts telling you what he gets off to. Your mum starts telling you the weird things she’s found in his room too. Why is there baby stuff in there? No... no no no no no.

Oh yes. It was true. 7/12
Later on, parents are away so they can’t hear what he says. You find out he has a fursona. He says that being a furry and wanting to fuck animals is the same as you being a homosexual. I’m sorry what? How is beastiality compatible in any way? 8/12
Several of your favourite clothes have gone missing over the years. You cry a lot because you get overly emotionally attached to things you like, and they’re gone. And what’s worse is you don’t want them back, because you don’t know what he’s done to them. Or *in* them. 9/12
You wear covering clothes all the time because you don’t want him staring again. He copies you a lot. You wear ponytails, he wears ponytails. You wear sweats and a tank, he does too. It’s not women in general he fetishises anymore. It’s you. But what that’s paranoia right? 10/12
Wrong. You walk out your room at 18 and a half to see your worst fear. Your middle school bra. Him. He’s not got anything else on. He’s wanking off to himself in the mirror. In your old bra. Copying your appearance. I’m sick. I feel sick. 11/12
I haven’t felt safe in my own home in years. Four other TiMs got creepy on me too. You know what’s worse? They’re the only ones I’ve met. And they were all horrific. I don’t feel good, I don’t feel safe. I am an object in my home. Don’t make me an object in our bathrooms. 12/12
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