1/3 Writers, please listen to the One Story podcast w/ @M_CCarpenter & @kaysarahsera. The premise is to preview MCC’s upcoming album, and there are so many eloquent and insightful gems about writing, whether your medium is song, poetry, novels, whatever...
2/3 While I’m professing my @M_CCarpenter love, 1994’s Stones in the Road is a desert island album. It came out when I was young & just finding my voice as a poet. I’d been used to Top 40 Country hits and, while one led me to it, that album showed me what real writing could be.
3/3 Around the same time, @M_CCarpenter co-wrote Sally’s Pigeons w/ @cyndilauper, another one that hit young-and-searching me in the gut with what a song could say. It was for Cyndi’s Hat Full of Stars , another desert island album of songs actually about something.
This thread begs a ? to writers: Who were some early influencers when you were finding your voice? I was 14 & writing poetry/lyrics. I was shaped by writers like MCC, @cyndilauper, Nanci Griffith, @rosannecash, @PattyGMusic, @Shawn_Colvin. I♥️that its women coming to mind first.
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