This word "failure" is demonised, its looked upon as negative.

Mostly due to social norms & the current education system.

but its actually not how many perceive

let me help you correct that mindset with some explanation

👇Read on👇
1⃣ Failure makes you STRONGER

EVERY champion



olympian gold medalist


*add any person to the list*

failed not once, not twice but hundreds & thousands of times.

When you fail, if your mindset is right, you become determined to succeed

You work harder, you focus more, you reflect on what went wrong.

Yes it might discourage you at first, but these feelings dont last forever.

2⃣ Failure TEACHES you

Thomas Edison gives a great answer when he was asked about his "failures"

He said he didn't fail, he found hundreds of ways that didn't work

(Jeez is that a positive mindset or what?)

This is the mentality of successful ppl.

They keep going!

Failure is an opportunity to learn, it is not a negative thing.

As long as you learn from the event. Its an opportunity to

start again & try new methods, new techniques.

In marketing, we call this "split testing"

You're one step closer by filtering things that dont work

3⃣ Failure creates OPPORTUNITIES

Everything happens for a reason.

Likewise, failures often bring opportunities that might not
have ever been available otherwise.

Aspirin (the worlds most popular drug) was discovered by mistake.

Failure is rarely the end of the line

4⃣ Failure provides ANSWERS

If you don't try, and fail, you will NEVER know if your idea is going to work.

The pain of regret is far worse than the pain of failure.

✔ When you fail, you can start again

✘ When you regret, you won't ever know

The BIGGEST REGRET people have on their deathbed is the fact they didnt do the things they wanted.

⚡They didnt try⚡

They regret not trying way more than trying and failing.

Just re-read this tweet & let that sink in. . .

5⃣ Failure gives you the BEST CHANCE of success

Research from Stanford University (USA) shows that those who are at the top of their game

are the ones who have FAILED the MOST.

Think that is a fluke?

There is a DIRECT correlation

Don't view failure as bad, instead think of it as

another chance to do things better.

If you never fail, you will never succeed


Remember my success equation?

That's all folks.

But if anybody wants to reach out on Twitter & get support, help or advice...

Please feel free to message me, especially if it is about mindset. https://twitter.com/messages/compose?recipient_id=1269240895435612161
You can follow @EffectuateNow.
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