Starting a Thread on the Origin of Words.

Knowing the origin of words can help us "see" the underlying metaphors that influence how we perceive reality.
The word "Perspective" is derived from per (through) + specere (to observe or look at)

It's as if you are looking at something through a glass or lens. So changing the lens or the glass changes how you see. The right perspective is then a matter of having a clear lens.
The word "Career" is derived from the latin word carrus which means "chariot or wheeled vehicle"

So having a career implies a sense of forward movement. If your job is stagnant, then it's not a career. If it's a career, it needs to move you and the world forward in some way.
The word "Discipline" is derived from "disciple".

So being disciplined implies that you are a disciple to something or someone. It's not about being robotic. It's about being a disciple to a certain principle or philosophy so that you can learn and grow.
The word "Expectation" is derived from "Expect" which is in turn derived from ex (out of) + specere (to look at or observe).

So having an expectation implies that you are trying to look at what will come out of a person or a situation.
The word "Persuasion" is derived from per (thoroughly) + suadere which is in turn derived from swad (sweet, pleasant)

So to persuade literally means to urge someone to do something by making it look or sound sweet/pleasant.
The word entertainment is derived from inter (among) + tenir (to hold), tenir comes from the PIE rooot, "ten-" which means "to stretch"

So to entertain means to hold our minds in a certain way. Entertainment is then any kind of amusement that "captivates" and "holds" our minds.
The word logic come from the Greek work logos which has a meaning of “word, reason”.

It implies that the art of logic is the art of reasoning using words. Hence, the construction of a logical argument requires speech or writing that involves the use of words.
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