Kidou Senshi Gundam, The start of it all, 1979. Universal century 0079. Mute this thread to avoid spoilers. Finished watching. Why are mecha's so incredibly exciting? Why does vigor of life rush through my body as I see gundams fight eachother to pure destruction? Here goes!
I always suck at how to begin with these threads!
But lets start with saying that i thought this show was incredible. Throughout the episodes there were parts that i did not enjoy but there were also points i very much did enjoy. I especially feel the second half of was super
Lets start with the first episode! an incredibly first episode if i may add! Immediate confrontation with war in this episode which was amazing! an episode like this can immediately pull you in for the rest of the show! there was also a real feel for making these Gundams feel big
The thing it does also very well is its depiction of death! this is something i always compliment a series for which is making death as real, and raw as it does! the absolute rawness of the immediate death of all these people shows the horrors of gundam warfare.-
Also something it doesnt pull is the " im stil alive and hanging in your arms and oh god im going to die in a second" shit death in this show is always done tastefully, Direct. Real. and raw which i highly compliment
I also love the artstyle in this anime! especially in the characters, the faces all feel different from eachother which makes it very easy to distinctly see who is who and you don't get confused. Besides the war outfits are sickk
The mechanical designs are also incredible! Its wierd how i can remember the names already of most of the mechs iv seen in this show since their so iconic looking in shape language! their simplistic shapes make them very recognisable and iconography almost! awesome !
However! to bring up a big thing i didnt like,,, i didnt like the overall cast of this show, sure i loved amuro and i loved Char the most probably! and sayla and bright but i feel the rest of the cast was kind of like filler? like i didnt feel any kind of connection or intrest-
in them, they just kind of felt like chess pieces to move the plot along but nothing more in my opinion,, stuff like ryu's death really didnt do anything for me and i couldnt give two shits if kai left the crew or not,, so yeah i didnt feel very connected to any of the sidecast
the sidecast just overall felt mid, but maybe thats better to make the main character more intresting, I just wish i would have gotten some more backstory and stuff like that! ( i know il get char backstory in the origin movies im very hyped for that)
Something i did really enjoy about this show with how they went about their technical limitations. something i found really cool was something like this, to show the pure energy and battle rage they simply used a heavily colored frame like this to express those emotions. nice!
Also something else i thought was super cool! was the way they went about showing action in their storyboards!, something they did very cleverly was portrayed intense motion was by showing an action from different sides happening! so like zoom in shot, zoom out shot, from right -
It builds up phenomenal tension and i loooooved it! it felt like when it really counted they put thought into how the fight would panel out in the best visual way possible.
now a little minus point,,,,,the ost was very underused? or it didnt feel at all like it broke through and i really would have wished that they mixed in the OST a lot louder in the anime so it would really work a lot better with the battles. The ost felt underwhelming
Its a good ost! it just felt badly mixed in there, i feel it was way to soft
The story overall was pretty nice, I felt the climax was truely incredible it kind of destroyed the points in watching before where i was like " eh im not really intrigued" the ending of gundam is increeedddible! the howl last half really!
And i kind of really liked when this newtype human really added a lot of flare to the show i thought it was a really cool touch. watching the final episodes made me sit at the edge of my seat. The colors! The storyboarding! the ost breaking through better! god it was good
Also i loved the talk they had in this weird kind of telekinesis typesetting ! It all looked very fantastical with all the colors, and its also cool to hear them talk about their reasons for fighting and stuff like that
Sorry this inbetween - CHAR IS INCREDIBLE??? im so intrigued by him as a character. and i love him so much! I also how we get to know more about him as the story goes on in bits and pieces, we get the time to speculate and ask questions about char until they are later awnsered
Also char is so incredibly full of character and feels so unique and interesting?? his character feels very refreshing honestly.
stil trying to wrap my head around why i love him so much lol
Lalah's death was very surreal, and i wonder the imagery what we are shows is kind of like the final telekinesis between her and amuro, that these are like the last things she saw before she actually like completely died
And oh man the complete choas and destruction of the solarbeam that went through all of those ships and killed 1/3 of the federation army present there, man holy shit
AAAH AND THE FINAL FIGHT BETWEEN AMURO AND CHAR WAS SO COOL HOLY SHIT. Especially when they started sport fighting as in a way they were now on human grounds it was not one mans gundam against another gundam it was to true men fighting for their beliefs and for their own feelings
Also im never going to forget this moment. Where there thoughts basicly overlap and they speak mind to mind. Where amuro sees it how it is at heart and how this simply cant be okay and char being logical and more using his brain to think about it, that it simply ended up likethis
That maybe they arnt weapons but because of the situation there in thats simply the way it is and char accepts it that way. these two very different characters clashing like this was incredible and i loved every second of it
Also how cool is it that he kills off garma so this new generation of new types can truely start as garma was basicly somebody of the old regime in that way
Im going to start summurising now lets not make this a 40 page thread of me screaming AAA OMG AAAAA lol
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