Men trying to explain Vaginas is the funniest shit. Vaginas are one of the most complexed parts of a womanā€™s body. A couple experiences with women will not make you an expert at vaginaology.
ā€œMaybe you used a dirty razorā€ Thatā€™s a small SMALL case cause any sane woman would throw out or replace their razor after a certain amount of time.
ā€œRazor bumps just ainā€™t itā€

Razor bumps can happen with Men too yā€™all act like yā€™all are invincible. Razor bumps can happen from many things. So can hyperpigmentation and ingrown hairs.
Itā€™s the way people on social media are so used to seeing these unrealistic body types that they now think Womenā€™s bikini areas have to be in tip top shape (to them) at all times. Vaginas take a LOT of High Maintenance to even come close to P*rn Star Vaginas
Chile let me just break down what type of maintenance Women have to do in order to keep them clean and in check A Thread under a Thread:
So thereā€™s many types that are out there. Iā€™m gonna go off what Ive experienced and what we see mostly in the Western world (feel free to correct any information). Thereā€™s shaving (which is what Men think is super easy to take care of), hair removal creams/gels...
Laser Hair Removal (expensive) and other things Iā€™ll try to explain for the unknowing. I want to add this video in because sis speaks some things that I didnā€™t know for the longest as a teen
Letā€™s start off with one of the more ā€œquickerā€ most common ways to remove hair and groom: Shaving.

Shaving is notorious for leaving bumps, ingrown hairs, hyperpigmentation, cuts, etc. Thatā€™s why many Women are choosing to find other ways to groom like Waxing
Thereā€™s prep things that need to be done in order for you to get the results you want and TRY to avoid bumps & all that. Everybody does it differently but what I have learned is to of course clean before you shave tf, but also ā€œconditionā€ so the hairs are not STIFF.
Then I learned to shave downwards in the direction the hair is going (for me because I know others do it differently) and itā€™ll lessen the tug and pull of your pubes. Omg this is so TMI but yā€™all wilding šŸ’€šŸ˜‚
After you shave, thereā€™s an aftercare regimen youā€™re supposed to go through that is also different for each individual. For me personally I make sure to pat dry (not rub) and add either Aloe Vera gel or Cocoa Butter on the area.
People also exfoliate the area before shaving I forgot to mention.

Now next is Waxing. A LOT of people enjoy it and I donā€™t see the entertainment šŸ„“šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m a wimp! I canā€™t even pull bandaids off in one go so waxing isnā€™t my cup of tea šŸ„“
But from what I hear the prep and aftercare regimens are somewhat the same for most. I think they do more things when you go get it done professionally but idk about allat so somebody spill the tea.
Then you have Hair Removal Creams/Gels....

Listen, Nair does somewhat of a job but the SMELL. I also heard those types of creams were not good for hyperpigmentation so I stopped. I do know that removal creams and gels are very effective for people so I ainā€™t gon yuck yā€™all yum
With Hair removal creams though, in my personal experience have been not really that good because with corser hair you have to leave it on longer but you canā€™t leave it on longer than 10 it just leaves patches for me šŸ„“
Anyways NEXT caller is finally Laser Hair Removal.

Now I personally want this done cause I want longer and more permanent results...but lasering takes money LOVE. Even if you get an accredited at home Laser Removal machine, it COSTS. Plus you have to be knowledgeable.
For some time Laser Hair Removal was not ideal for darker-skinned people because the machines didnā€™t have a high enough setting to penetrate through pigmentations (is what the streets say). I think now you have to make sure the Dermatologist can do your type of skintone? šŸ¤”
Thereā€™s also requirements you have to do before going in and getting laser removal. Idk if itā€™s a spa to spa regulation but from what Iā€™ve heard you have to be freshly showered, no lotions or oils, shaved area, etc. So not too bad but the amount of ashy people Iā€”-
And thatā€™s just grooming. Grooming ALONE can cause irritation to the bikini area. Now think about clothing/fabrics, moisture (Iā€™m so sorry šŸ¤¢), fragrances, cleansing products, diet, etc. The list goes on and ON.
Idk why I made this thread but I thought I should share because a lot of yā€™all under that tweet need HELP. I couldnā€™t believe how many people were under there thinking we just clean, shave and go. NO BABY we high maintenance ā¤ļøšŸ˜Œ
Oh and itā€™s very easy to knock your Ph Balance off itā€™s rockers. If you use the wrong soap, boom yeast infection. Yeast Infections are very common, but easily can be subdued. I really wish they talked more about that in Health class.
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