The working class needs fundamentally different organizational forms than our class enemies. The destruction of capital and its sources of social power, as well as the reconstruction of a new form of society, give us unique problems that are not shared by the liberals.
Liberals can organize around elections without a meaningful relationship to a well-organized constituency. Their monied institutions, control of media, and the like, act as stand-ins for a mass base. A working-class movement will never have equivalent resources.
It's for this reason that the "dirty break" strategy has already become imperiled. Bernie was quickly overcome by the liberals due to a lack of organized independence from the Democratic party. A difference of message is great. But rhetoric is no substitution for organization.
The state of most labor unions today presents problem for the left, but not a problem for liberals. Liberals use unions as rubber-stamp agencies who legitimize moderate policy and shore up left challenges. We need different things from unions—practiced rank-and-file militancy.
In the sphere of housing, we see this pattern replicated once more. For liberals, housing is not simply a matter of policy, but a question of what sectors of capital will support what policy. There is no meaningful working class housing lobby that can push forward social housing.
Rather than policy advocacy, we need to build new sites of tenant power that can begin to challenge local power structures, fracture elites in the Democratic party, and resurrect tenant militancy that scare the ruling class. Militant tenant organizations will deliver concessions.
We need to take "independence" seriously. Reducing independence to ballot-line access seriously misrepresents the challenges that are ahead of us, and misidentifies how the undemocratic US electoral system functions.
The US working class is highly disorganized, fractured, and alienated from itself. This historic condition of class decomposition has to be addressed directly. We cannot try to replicate liberal politics that appear to function well amid this decomposition.
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