A powerful man did some things years ago to discredit me, spread rumours about me, because he wanted to harm my reputation in Ottawa.
That can never be put back in the box, even though he's "so sorry" now.
Remember this when you hear about women that someone thinks they're bad.
Obviously I am a flawed person and people are allowed to dislike me, but I know that lots of men who dislike me are actually just afraid. They dislike me because I call out misogyny and abuse in hip-hop and in Ottawa music culture specifically.
He liked me until I had nothing further to offer him or his career, and I had already endorsed him a as a "good ally" to my feminist co-workers in gender-based violence work.
Then, he tried to discredit me. And people took him seriously.
And who heard these rumours about me without knowing they even started with him? Those people won't ever correct their perception of me in light of recent news.
He used race and accusations of racism as a way to undercut feminist work that was for all women & girls. It's awful.
All I can do is keep doing the work, and do my best.
And when I do fuck up I always hope for a chance to correct it.

Just remember when a man says "that woman is really problematic" he might mean "I'm so scared she will tell people the truth about what I'm secretly like".
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