I'm interested in how ideologies spread & get established, who pushes them, what do they have in common, why will people die for certain ideas. No regimes came in overnight. I'm not interested in offence when the materials haven't been read or the actual arguments considered.
So lets talk about some generalities. These totalitarian/authoritarian regimes don't come saying 'we will take your rights, kill your fellow citizens', they approach talking about justice, a kind of social Utopia, solving problems. They start with smiles, not black boots.
They harness the energy, and lack of critical thought/experience, of student groups - the Tabils, the Khmer Rouge, the Nazis, the Communists in Russia, Isis. This is often male, again and again we see the idea of a 'traditional role' and then oppression of women being promoted.
It is as if a deal is struck without it being spoken - ordinary men give their power and rights to the regime for dominance and rule over women.
Academics are purged, replaced with those who support the ideology. The little power grabs start small, almost unnoticeable, and can be easily dismissed - what are you complaining about, it is worse in x,y,z. At what point are complaints and opposition justified?
Then children are targeted, education and education materials slowly start to change until a whole new world view is fostered.
Thread from way back when on totalitarianism: https://twitter.com/PankhurstEM/status/1286962136506413056?s=20
Transgender Ideology & Totalitarianism, Part I https://twitter.com/PankhurstEM/status/1263746663585320960?s=20
Transgender Ideology & Totalitarianism, Part II: https://twitter.com/PankhurstEM/status/1263746664944238592?s=20
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