Speaking at a 1963 SNCC event, activist Fannie Lou Hamer told the crowd, "I want true democracy. I want something that's built up from truth and righteousness that I won't have to shoot at the next man because he's trying to get me" https://s.si.edu/3k5hjy1 . #19SuffrageStories
Learn more about Hamer's work fighting for racial equality and voting rights in the 20th century from @Smithsonian ⬇️.

#19SuffrageStories #BecauseOfHerStory https://twitter.com/smithsonian/status/1290663897230344194
The portrait of Hamer above was taken by Louis Draper in 1971, and is now held as part of the collections of @NMAAHC (© The Louis Draper Archive, 2013.43.2).

Explore more portraits and photographs from Draper here: https://s.si.edu/3icR6eT .
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