📈My Twitter Growth Blueprint📈

I get a lot of questions in my DMs

The most popular is asking how do I grow on Twitter.

The blueprint I’ve used:
1. Scheduling
2.Engagement Lists
3.Adding value in comments
4.The power of the quote retweet
5.The most important ingredient I know

This isn’t essential for everyone.

For me working a 9-5 and 2 young kids means I need to take efficiencies where I can get them.

You have options, my preference:


It’s free and effective.
On a Saturday morning I sit with a coffee composing Tweets for the week ahead.

Probably 60% are scheduled.

If creating content is something your serious about this won’t be a chore.

I feel it soothes the soul.

Give it a go.
2.Engagement Lists

For those who don’t know where lists are I’ve highlighted it below.

The same icon in the top left is where you add a new one.
Populate your list with a mix of:

-Big accounts
-Medium account
-Similar size accounts

These are the accounts your first engagement efforts should be.

Comment with value on big accounts in the first hour or your comments will be lost.

Use list for engagement before the TL
3.Adding value in comments

It’s the step so many get wrong.

What your aiming for here is one or all of:

-Adding value
-Connecting with the post creator

What your not doing is:


Study these accounts:


They comment from the heart 💓 so stand out
4.The power of the quote retweet

As you get started you need exposure on your account.

This is where the power of the QT comes in.

You can earn a retweet from the original post.

I want you to go and check @lawrencekingyo


He often adds humour or encouragement
5. The most important ingredient I know

You should all know me by now.

It’s not all about the textbook answers.

The most important addition I make each day is....

My personality

Don’t leave this one out.

Or your just another account.

Hope this helped

DMs open 🗣
You can follow @MINDFITWEALTH.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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