Grind culture is toxic.

Grind culture is violent.

Grind culture is the reason so many of us can’t prioritize our mental health and relationships with other people.

It is a capitalist mindset that tries to glorify and justify overworking our bodies.
We shouldn’t have to “grind” to make ends meet or to attain a semblance of wealth that billionaires have.

Because the reality is, no matter how much we work , most of us will likely never be as rich as people like Jeff Bozos or other cis white men are.

That’s just the truth.
Think about how many people you know working two or three jobs, yet have barely moved forward in social class.

Think about how many of your family members work all day, all week, but still seem to be struggling with income.

They’re grinding, aren’t they?
They’re working hard, barely giving themselves time to rest or to have fun. And yet, they are barely scraping by.

Or maybe, they did get that house, that big backyard.

But at what cost?

Back pain for life? Strained relationships? Missing out on their child’s youth?
This isn’t the way life should be.

People shouldn’t have to sacrifice a majority of their life to working, to survive.

People should be allowed to rest, to spend time with their family, to focus on their healing, to prioritize themselves and their happiness.
And what grind culture does is accept this as the status quo; it refuses to challenge capitalism and the way it literally exploits the working class.

This type of logic explains people’s disgust towards unhoused communities in our country.
They believe if houseless people just “worked harder,” they wouldn’t be on the street.

That somehow houseless people deserve poverty and hunger because they didn’t “grind” enough to get out of their situation.

This is bullshit, plain and simple.
A lot of houseless people DO work and try to find jobs, but they are often turned away because of how they look, because of a disability, because of mental health problems, because of racism, because of a criminal record.

The issue isn’t them. It’s capitalism.
In order for capitalism to thrive, in order for a select few to be overwhelming rich, a whole lot more people have to be exploited and deprived of basic necessities.

And grind culture is just another example of how capitalism has been fed down our throats.
We’ve been taught our whole lives that a hard work ethic will get us that American Dream, that white picket fence.

But it’s a lie.

Only a handful of us will ever attain that, and those of us who do will have to sacrifice love and health for it.

So, yeah. Fuck grind culture.
Housing, medical care, clothing, food should all be free.

They are a human right.

No one should have to “grind” to have access to these things. No one should be seen as disposable in our society.

We should all be working to create a world where capitalism can’t thrive.
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