Lebanon's Minister of Health, who is Hezbollah's man, said, "This is a warehouse where firecrackers exploded." So you know now, definitively, that fireworks had nothing to do with this, and Hezbollah's missile program is implicated.
Beirut at sunset. Fire is still raging in several places. Hospitals are overwhelmed, and reports of the wounded dying from lack of care are coming in. Citizens are called upon to donate blood and clear major roads to allow security forces and emergency workers to pass.
Yet one more angle.
Firefighting as night falls.
A street destroyed, hundreds of meters from the scene of the blast. Reports say “thousands” wounded. The number of deaths is currently at 50 but certain to rise. Source of the explosions remains unclear. An eyewitness claims it was an airstrike, but supporting evidence is nil.
Israel would appear to be signalling that it had nothing to do with these explosions. Israel's Ministry of Defense ordered the IDF to offer humanitarian aid to Lebanon, through international channels.
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