Just got sent this, bc I missed it, it’s from back in April - Senika won her defamation case in court vs former Dallas Fuel’s EFFECT. Senika sued EFFECT for publicly posting on his social media that she had been a sex worker.
EFFECT’s social media posts were some of the most disgusting I’d ever seen. It was a textbook case of attempting to slutshame an ex, by painting her as a former sex worker and therefore a “bad” woman. I’m glad that Senika didn’t settle this out of court.
Neither Dallas Fuel nor Hastr0 ever acknowledged the clearly severe mental issues that EFFECT displayed, nor the serious harm that he caused to Senika through his social media campaign. Apparently they care more about his “Burn Blue” song than his vicious actions.
The lengths he went to to try and “expose” Senika were frightening and bizarre. At one point, he posted a voice-changed, anonymously sourced video that he claimed “proved” what kind of person Senika was. https://twitter.com/gatamchun/status/1157328409959309312?s=21
Senika posted chatlogs between them as a retort when EFFECT first posted his rant, which clearly show that EFFECT intended to use what he knew about her past (her exp with sexual assault) to “ruin” her image. https://twitter.com/gatamchun/status/1157796509506781184?s=21
I tagged both Dallas and Hastr0 when these things were first coming to light; iirc EFFECT was still a streamer with the org at that point. It was never addressed, afaik. https://twitter.com/gatamchun/status/1157797976691097602?s=21
It is clear to me, based on what I have seen about how the org and the owner talks about Korean players vs non-Korean players, as well as their lack of interest in EFFECT’s case, that Dallas is not an organization that cares about the conduct of its Korean players.
I’m happy to be proven wrong going forward but the tone-deafness has been pretty astounding. https://twitter.com/hastr0/status/1290448129154834432?s=21
If anyone snarks that you don’t know Korean and therefore you’re mistaken about EFFECT, direct them my way.
Swingchip is translating the April facebook post (posted on Senika’s account, from her lawyer) here https://twitter.com/swingchip930/status/1290696896995110914?s=21
One of the reasons EFFECT might have lost is that he ran his mouth off on stream and on social media acknowledging multiple things contained in Senika’s chatlogs https://twitter.com/gatamchun/status/1157801684275519488?s=21
I would also like to add a disclaimer - we don’t know their relationship. It was clearly volatile & messy, according to both of them. None of this precludes the possibility that they both harmed each other. This thread is abt EFFECT’s conduct AFTER the end of their relationship.
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