Abused women tend to justify their treatment (explaining not blaming) no matter how educated she is, if she's too ashamed to go back home or lacks the self-confidence to believe she deserves better, no amount of education will aid her against abuse.
Safety nets and self-confidence:

Safety nets (i.e a family who will accept her back into their home in case of abuse or the marriage simply not working out) and self-confidence gives one both the internal and external 'power' to leave a bad situation.
Education can aid in self-confidence but they are not inherently interlinked, no matter how much Fiqh or women's rights ideology you have if you don't have the confidence to act on either nor the safety net to seek refuge from a bad situation, you'll likely feel stuck.
Parents should make sure their daughters know she can always come back home.

Women should cultivate self-confidence and a clear set of boundaries around what they will and won't accept before marriage.
It's not foolproof but I've found it far more reliable than simply the 'knowing' -either through religion or cultural mores, that abuse is wrong.
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