gemini, virgo, sagittarius, pisces🌐
it’s okay to admit that you’re still fragile, healing. i feel like you might be trying to rush into something because there’s a lot of care here, but uncertainty has you doubting the whole purpose, scared and retreating back into your shell. -
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nobody is asking you to dive head first, in fact i’m seeing that’s exactly what is putting the future of this at risk. the theme in this spread is slow and steady, determined and patient at the same time. for some this is definitely about love, you’ve found -
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someone you really just want to take care of and vise versa. they feel like home. but at the same token, people who make you feel safe scare you. the only way to get around that is with time, let them prove everything that words can’t. comparing this to your -
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past is going to keep you stuck right there. those who are dealing with an intellectual or financial situation, the setback you’re faced with right now is only temporary. think of this as like detour, you’re being guided down a different road right now while -
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this other one is being smoothed out for you to ride on again. i know it feels like you’re alone and maybe the universe has forgotten about you, it seems like the things you’re trying to build only want to crumble. but things will come together love, you’re -
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exactly where you need to be in this moment. surrender what you can’t control & continue to dream big, because in the grand scheme of things this delay didn’t ruin anything. you’ll come to understand why this was such an essiental part to your story. chin up❤️
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