It seems some of you are unaware of the fact that the #traffickinghub movement intended to take down pornhub was started by, and continues to be run by a Christian fundamentalist group called Exodus Cry. Exodus Cry are a religious purity movement who want to abolish all sex work.
Exodus Cry are a division of the International House of Prayer Kansas City, which has been labelled a cult and is a homophobic organisation.

TraffickingHub are suppprted by many partner organisations, many of which are extremely problematic.
Make no mistake - TraffickingHub does not give a shit about actual trafficking, child abuse, sexual abuse etc. TraffickingHub only want to exert sexual control over the world, meaning no consensual sex work, no sex before marriage, and no gay people.
Pornhub isn’t totally innocent, but what website is? There are pedophiles and child porn all over twitter, and yet I see no campaigns to shut this site down.

This movement is run by a hate group that spreads intentional misinformation. Understand this.
Make your own decisions about pornhub. Desire for it to be abolished if you want. But do NOT take your information from #traffickinghub.

That is all.
You can follow @xLeninaCrowne.
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