aries, cancer, libra, capricorn🌐
the closing of one cycle marks the beginning of another, right now you’re teetering on the edge. the situation you’re leaving had you feeling both betrayed and inadequate, maybe you’ve been thinking about the areas of life you come up short in -
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more than usual lately. i see there may be one or a few people in particular that you have a habit of comparing yourself against. your angels are asking you to work on this, because this behavior is what’s keeping you feeling stagnant and stuck in this cycle.
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it’s like you keep peaking over the fence to see if the grass is greener on their side, it’s not. and even if it is, why does it matter? what does comparing yourself to others do for you and your growth? sure you can use this as motivation, but growing with -
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the intent of measuring up or being better than others, isn’t growth love. your personal progress is not going to look like any one else’s and that is exactly how it should be. you’re being ushered into a period of deep self exploration and healing, happiness-
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is trying to push its way in but you’re too busy looking at their grass to notice. please shift focus to your lawn, your own lovely garden that is flourishing exactly the way it needs to. in your own seeds is where you find that happiness, not anyone else’s. -
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if you’re putting on a show for anyone else right now, it’s time to cut the cameras. you’re not getting paid to preform and you have nothing to prove to these people anymore, so do what you WANT to do. if you don’t know that yet? that is okay! the cycle of-
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self-discovery you’re entering soon will reveal it to you. i understand what they did to you made you feel like you could never be enough, decide you are enough right now. no more looking for validation in the people who deprived you of the support you seek.
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