CENSUS CRISIS THREAD: As many as 225K NYC households (500K+ NYers) — and 6M households across the US — could be undercounted in the 2020 Census because Donald Trump is doing everything he can to #StealTheCensus.

How will this happen? "Imputation." (1/5)
Imputation: When census takers can’t speak to residents of a home, they speak to neighbors or doormen or just straight-up make assumptions about how many people live in that home.

So, imputation = undercounting.

It’s how 1M+ children under 5 were undercounted in 2010. (2/5)
In NYC, that’s the 225K households — and the hundreds of thousands of NYers — who will have billions taken from their pockets and representatives robbed from their neighborhoods bc of Trump’s attempt to #StealTheCensus. (4/5)
So where are & who are these NYers? Just take a look at the map.

This is all about Black, brown & immigrant NYers. In short — shortening the census is another act of white supremacy from this President.

Fight back. Just respond to the 2020 Census:

http://My2020Census.gov .
You can follow @JulieMenin.
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