Is Tattoo a Sin?

In your Christianity there are levels you will enter you won't be asking "is this a Sin or Not!" There are more important things to deal with

For those who still Judge Christians with tattoo

This is the truth about Tattoo that you need to know

Issa Thread đŸ”„
Before is start I will love you to read this thread with an open mind.

Don't read the thread in other to find what to attack, instead read this thread in other to learn!

There are certain believes that we need to drop! I will show you through the scriptures
Before I start I Just want you to know that Leviticus 19:28 were laws to the Jews and not to the Gentiles. So if you aren't a Jew then you have no business with this Verse! Romans 2:14 throws more light on this
The Bible says "You must not slash your body for a dead person or incise a tattoo on yourself. I am the Lord .
Leviticus 19:28 NET

This verse has been what so many are yet to understand! First you should understand that this Verse is dealing with something Spiritual!
People put marks on their body to worship the dead! It was an act of pagan ritual. So God was forbidding such worship! That's why the concluding Verse says "I AM THE LORD"

This is important to note
Don't cut your bodies in some pagan ritual for the dead, and don't get yourselves tattoos. I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:28 FBV

One thing you should note in that verse is that, God wasn't condemning the act of Tattoo but was condemning the purpose!
The meaning of what they were doing was what was addressed!

Let me use Circumsicion to give you a clearer view. Look at Genesis 17:11-14.
Here we see Circumsicion as a Spiritual thing, it was a convenant made for People with agreement with God. If you weren't Circumsised it's as though you aren't part of the Gods Convenant with Abraham.
That's why the Jews took Circumsicion seriously because it was a Spiritual thing that Paul even had to battle this with some Christians who regarded the Spirituality behind Circumsicion in other to be in agreement with God. He had to say "why are you frustrating the Grace of God?
What I'm trying to show you here is Circumsicion was a Spiritual act to the Jews! That's why Paul said "For in Christ Jesus being circumcised or uncircumcised doesn't achieve anything; it's only trust working through love that matters.
Galatians 5:6 FBV
Now looking at this verse you will agree with me that today many Christians get Circumsised! Are they contradicting the Word? No! here is the difference, The Circumsicion that is done today has nothing to do with anything Spiritual but for health purposes.
The meaning and purpose to Circumsicion changed! It's the same thing concerning Tattoo! When most people do tattoo today they aren't doing it as an act of Pagan Worship but for the beauty and Art of it!

I hope you are following?
The verse that we read on Tattoo, the verse before it says that "Don't cut your hair on the sides of your head or trim the sides of your beard," Leviticus 19:27 FBV

But we see many People today barbing their hair and trimming their beards. Are they doing the wrong thing? No!
What was addressed were people who did those things as a pagan ceremony. Now people who barb their hair and trim Their beards today do it for beauty sake. To look good! This is the same thing concerning Tattoo
Now many people don't like tattoo, not because it's a wrong thing to do but because of the strongholds that have been passed down from their fathers to them! Their religious mindset never made them agree to tattoo, you know why?
Because they followed people who taught the traditions of men rather than the Word of God! Now just because you don't like something doesn't make that thing wrong!

in the World today people who don't like tattoo say "All things are lawful but not all things are expedient"
Some ppeople who use this scripture anytime the Topic of Tattoo is discussed are in religious bondage but they don't know. when their sisters or their wives draw things on Their faces in the name of Make-up, they don't use that scripture on them,
They even goto the saloon to have a nice hair cut with style those scriptures don't cross their minds.

Or when they try to dress to slay that scripture doesn't cross their mind. But when it comes to the issues of Tattoo then they will come out
They are quick to say "All things are lawful but not all things are expedient" that's being in bondage to religion! But they don't know

Some may say "Do all things to the Glory of God" when someone tattoos "Jesus is King" who is the person glorifying? Satan? Lol.
You may say What about if the person tattoos random things like Flowers,Love etc? Now I should ask you some questions, The Football that you watch, the Netflix that you watch, The expensive things that you buy, the Dress to slay etc do those things Glorify God? You have ur answer
Now concerning health issues on tattoo, Getting a tattoo or a piercing doesn't make you ineligible to donate blood if you wait a year or follow the proper precautions to get a safe and sterile tattoo at a regulated facility.

You can read up on this yourself
So get free from religious bondage concerning Tattoo! It's not a sin! Like I said Just because you don't like something doesn't make it wrong

And if you see a Christian do it don't be quick to condemn the person in your ignorance! I love you
Hope you are clear? Peace ♄
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