I really wish ppl who aren't familar with divestment would stop saying "they don't date black men/ they hate when other black women date black men/ they are white male worshippers/etc" because it's not true. We don't like dusties, bw bashers and other toxic males.
We talk about other things outside of males too, but y'all ignore it because it's about building the black community, politics, economy, police reform and other topics that black ppl tend to be either black or white on and refuse to have a legit discussion about.
Back to the males. We don't like when women give their all or downgrade to a male who doesn't deserve it. This is very common in the black community where women support black men 100% and expect nothing in return except d*ck and sometimes not even that. Bw mule for free a lot!
Divested black women have showed their disgust to non bm who are not good for black women, but y'all ignore that. When we drag trailer park Trent you guys don't say nothing, but when we drag Do-Nothing Dwayne then we hate the black man.
We hold black men to the same standard as other men and that's what you guys hate. You lot treat black men like babies and cheer when they do the bare minimum. That's why we are where we're at! Hold black men to the same standards as other races of men.
And screw the "sLaVerY and RaCisM and tHey hAd a HeAd sTarT" talk. No shit we all know this. That doesn't stop other minorities from doing their best and succeeding in this country. You know how they do it. They build and support each other.
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