1. I eventually got round to play Mnangagwa’s panic address to the nation. Tedious and empty as usual. He described the opposition parties as “terrorists”. Coming from a co-architect & enforcer of #Gukurahundi, this label is not to be taken lightly #ZimbabweanLivesMatter
2. By calling the opposition ”terrorists” he’s not only stripping them if their legitimacy but he is also setting up the tone for the brutal treatment applied to opponents. Being called a terrorist is being described as an outcast criminal element deserving of harsh measures.
3. Those who remember #Gukurahundi will know that this is similar to how whole communities in Matebeleland were decimated on the grounds that they were habouring & supporting dissidents. Describing opponents as terrorists was also a favourite method by the colonial regime
4. Instead of acknowledging wrongdoing, recognising victims of his regime’s brutality, apologising and promising to bring perpetrators to account, Mnangagwa went on a customary rant, blaming everyone and everything. Instead of being remorseful, he’s intransigent.
5. Typical of a paranoid dictator, Mnangagwa is seeing enemies everywhere. Everyone is out to get him. He’s schizophrenic. He’s seeing shadows everywhere. It’s ironic that the attacker believes he is being attacked. It’s his men who tortured young Tawanda Muchehiwa.
6. The craziest part is when he says, “The door to the old manner of doing things is shut. The corrupt way is closed”. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so sad. His regime represents continuity. He talks of repealing POSA but police & military behaviour hasn’t changed one bit!
7. Notable is how he went on about Transparency & Accountability, the two key principles behind the recent BSR critique of the Farm Mechanisation Scandal. They might rant, curse & threaten but the truth has a habit of finding its way. Chokwadi hachivhikike. Iqiniso uyinkosi.
8. In short, instead of atoning for human rights violations, Mnangagwa simply issued more threats. His description of the opposition as terrorists is an ominous sign which will be followed by more harsh conduct. He’s already justifying the continued jailing of Hopewell & Jacob.
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