The Manhattan DA revealed yesterday that he is investigating the president for a pattern of pervasive criminal conduct. And @SpeakerPelosi has nothing to say about that. Just like the bounties on our troops, and the deliberate genocide of blue states by Jared's scrapping testing.
And I'm sorry if I seem angry, I really am, but this republic stood for 240 years, and the tools to save it are all still there. The will to pick them up and use them is what's lacking. Again and again we're told it's all on us, not the people we gave powers to.
There's election cheating? Well, no one will be investigated for that, instead, WE are responsible for creating a landslide to overcome the cheating. He plans to reject the outcome even if it's a landslide? We're told WE are responsible for demonstrating to demand he leave.
And the same grotesque excuse comes out every time we question why we have to do the work that the elected reps have powers to do so much more easily: If they were to use their powers it would "fire up Trump's base." The people forming militias to defend their towns from hoaxes.
When do we fire up OUR base, the one that actually won the popular vote, the one that contains more Americans?
Because his base? The cult that worships him as the chosen one and thinks Bill Gates wants to put a microchip in them with a vaccine for a Chinese weaponized virus? THEY'RE ALREADY FIRED UP! THEY DON'T GET UN-FIRED-UP THAT IS NOT HOW CULTS WORK.
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