Many gene mutations with high penetrance for autism show evidence of E:I dysregulation and are located on the sex chromosomes. Other E:I-relevant genes are affected by androgen hormones and affect areas like medial prefrontal cortex.
Given that autism affects more males than females and that E:I balance might be affected by sex-relevant mechanisms, we thought it was important to ask if intrinsic E:I balance differentially affects autistic men versus women.
Studying this in-vivo in autistic individuals is quite difficult, so we had to work out how neuroimaging data could be utilized as a marker indexing E:I mechanisms.
Using a recurrent network model of interacting E and I populations, we simulated LFP and BOLD data and examined if 1/f slope and the Hurst exponent (H) change with synaptic E:I ratio in the model. They do. 1/f slope flattens and H gets smaller with increased E relative to I.
To validate these computational predictions in real live brains with fMRI, @Gozzi_Ale scanned the brains of mice with rsfMRI during a DREADD manipulation to systematically enhance excitation. This manipulation reduced H in the same manner as the computational model predicted.
To get a better sense of how enhanced excitation might affect the autistic brain in a sex-specific manner, we found that autism-relevant genes that affect excitatory neurons are enriched for genes that are differentially expressed after treatment with a potent androgen, DHT.
Medial prefrontal cortex and several other brain regions highly express these autism-relevant excitatory genes that are also affected by DHT.
In rsfMRI data from adult autistic men and women, we found that H in rsfMRI is heavily reduced in ventral MPFC in autistic males but not females. PLS analysis revealed many other regions similar to those that highly express DHT-sensitive and autism-relevant excitatory genes.
We also found that higher vMPFC H (less excitation) is related to better camouflaging ability in autistic women, but not men.
Many thanks: @StavrosTrak, Pablo Martínez-Cañada @Gozzi_Ale, @mengchuanlai, Stefano Panzeri, @sbaroncohen, @edbullmore, John Suckling, @Valerio_Zerbi, @m_markicevic, @youwonsang, @bhismadev, @AmberRuigrok, @IITalk, @LAND_IIT and generous funding from @ERC_Research
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