This is interesting: Astrakhan exercise this week (undoubtedly to take place @ Ashuluk) to involve massive rocket (& missile) strikes with Iskander-Ms & Tornado-Ss
(Note: this prob to involve 464th Rocket Bde (8 Gv OVA) & 439th Gds Rocket Artillery Bde)
EDIT:prob be Kap Yar since both the 464th & 439th Bde are based @ Znamensk & Tornado-S tested there last year-thought that Kap Yar is usually reserved for more ‘serious’ hardware.Also,both systems could come from different units,perhaps a new Tornado-S bat set,although I doubt it
The exercise did take place at Kapustin Yar and was quite something: Simultaneous #9M723 ( #Iskander-M) and Tornado-S #MLRS rocket launches
Video: 2020 ©TASS
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