Quick PSA: stop saying #Isaias is hard to pronounce. I’ve seen just about every meteorologist say something and lots of other folks, too, about how they don’t want to “butcher” it because it’s a Spanish name and “hard to say.” 1/
Stop doing that. That. Is. A. Microagression. I get it, it looks like Isaiah and that throws you off. But every time you mention how hard it is to pronounce, you’re sending a message to anyone that doesn’t have a “typical American” name. 2/
Just because it’s unfamiliar to you doesn’t mean it’s unusual or weird. If you need help pronouncing it, practice, but don’t broadcast how hard it is for you. If we can learn to say Tchaikovsky or even Chloe, we can learn to say any name. 3/
Please. Don’t let your discomfort in learning to pronounce a name get in the way of someone being proud of their name. I never wanted to tell people my middle name because it’s Korean and “hard to say.” I’m sad I wished my middle name was something like Jane. 4/
Names are so important to one’s identity. Don’t take that away from someone because it takes you a little longer to correctly learn their name. 5/5
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