1. So I’ve received a decent amount of feedback from people wondering why I affirmed this article. Many people who have engaged critical theory as an analytical tool feel like Keller didn’t represent CT well. I’ll share a few thoughts and then move on. https://twitter.com/kylejameshoward/status/1290378790087122945
2. From my perspective, Keller was engaging each position from a worldview perspective. His focus was on assessing problematic issues when someone embraces one of the systems as a worldview not merely as an analytical tool alongside side other perspectives.
3. The article, from my perspective, dealt with points of contention in worldview analysis and was not seeking to present a comprehension Critique. To me, the article established worldview foundations which is always helpful & has rarely been done in these convos.
4. To me, greatest weakness of the article is it doesn’t account for CT as an analytical tool & CRT’s relationship to CT? CRT is more grounded on black thought than Marxism like its cousin & recognizing that America IS a society established on WHITE POWER is important.
5. At the end of the day, I honestly don’t care much about this drama. I am a biblical/historical theologian who seeks to ground himself in the black tradition. I am not a critical race theorist, I don’t have to engage CRT, black saints have been saying similar things for awhile.
6. The vast majority of people engaging Critical Race Theory are “White ‘woke’ folks”. Most black people have been reading Douglas, W. Dubois, James Baldwin, & Dr. King. Black folks largely aren’t reading DiAngelo, it’s White people who regard white voices in greater esteem. 😬
7. Only Evangelicalism could make a controversy & scandal for people to read books that raise awareness about power dynamics & racial oppression. Ain’t no orthodox Christians embracing Marxism, they are merely engaging a social science theory to learn about power & oppression.
8. The funny thing is, White Christians wouldn’t feel they have to engage critical theory or critical race theory if the White American Evangelical church, which has been the conscience of white supremacy for centuries, actually taught about power dynamics & oppression itself.
9. Christians are using critical race theory as an analytical tool b/c the white evangelical church has provided them with no alternative. Crazy that evangelical leaders have the audacity to criticize when they present no alternative other than denial & further bigotry. 🤷🏽‍♂️

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