Welcome to the Game Changer Breakdown! This short 🧵 on Leverage contains:

* 2 hacks to help you find leverage in ANY situation
* The tea on how 3 startups used leverage to become billion-dollar companies 💰
* A sneak peek of this week’s game changer 👀
Simply put, leverage is ANYTHING that gives you an advantage in a situation or relationship

A top salesman using their track record to demand a raise📈
A senior in SHS asking you to fetch water for them 🪣
Giving a crying toddler a phone to get them to be quiet in public🤫
Okay, but why is leverage important to me? 🤔

One simple reason - You can get what you want!

Leverage helps you get major results from moderate resources - perfect for startups!

So HOW do I apply leverage?

By influencing the elements of leverage - Power 💪🏾 & Relationship 🤝
You influence Power using the 80/20 Rule. The Rule is that in any situation, 20% of inputs create 80% of outcomes.

Eg: The top 20% of US families own 77% of national wealth

You apply the Rule by finding which inputs have outsize results, and focusing on them for maximum impact
You influence Relationships by removing yourself from the picture.

Ask yourself, “what does the other person want?” 💭

By finding their wants, you can provide value and create win-win scenarios 🏆

Now let's see how startups used Power 💪🏾 & Relationships 🤝 to create leverage!
Paypal - Client Acquisition

💪🏾: Paypal focused on the 1000 powersellers (PS) on eBay who made frequent sales

🤝: They focused on making their checkout process 10x better

Leverage: In 3 months, they serviced 25% of PS, then grew to all of eBay. Today, Paypal is worth $51.3 bn!
Instant Pot - Sales & Distribution
💪🏾: Instead of spending hours delivering to appliance stores, Instant Pot decided to sell only on Amazon

🤝: Invested in creating facebook communities to help new owners learn to use Instant Pot

Leverage: Sales have DOUBLED annually since 2011
Tower SUP - Productivity
💪🏾: Instead of a regular 9-5, CEO @StephanAarstol asked employees to focus on getting work done in just 5 hours

🤝: The system allowed employees to live more balanced lives and earn more

Leverage: Annual revenue went up by 40% to $9 million 🤯
This week's Game Changer in 2 images. 🖼️

First person to reply with the right title gets a prize! 🏅

If you didn't win last week, don't slack!!!
Lmao close, try again!
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