For every account with a legit reason for anonymity, hundreds use the mask to lie, to discredit causes (good and bad), and most often to say rude and unfair things they are simply too cowardly to say under their own names. We share a collective obligation to ignore these people.
Go ahead and be anonymous if all you want to do is lurk, follow, retweet, and reply with links and verifiable facts. But if you want to be part of a conversation, take the minimal steps necessary to ID yourself.
(Exceptions: certain people whose reasons for anonymity are sterling—e.g., the no-longer-anonymous @MosulEye—or who have a long record of thoughtful, good-faith interaction and show no signs of using anonymity maliciously, e.g., @slatestarcodex.)
You can follow @gcaw.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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